Friday, November 18, 2016

Genetics 11/18/16
This week we were learning about genetics. This included DNA, genes, chromosomes, proteins, heredity, and traits.

I know that DNA stands for DeoxyriboNucleicAcid.
I also know the four letter DNA alphabet.
DNA is like the instructions that tell your cells what to do so you are able to live and grow.

Genes are like instruction manuals for your body. They are responsible for making the proteins that help our bodies function. Genes are made of DNA. One strand of DNA contains many genes. A human body has around 25,000 genes. Genes contain the instructions to build proteins.

Chromosomes are packages for DNA. 1 human cell can hold 46 chromosomes. The human sex chromosomes are labeled X and Y. Female chromosomes are labeled X and X, and male chromosomes are labeled X and Y.
1 cell contains thousands of different types of proteins. Proteins are super, super tiny. When scientists are trying to learn more about protein structure and function, their first thought is probably, 'Well, if they are super tiny, why not look at them through a microscope?' Well, proteins are really tiny. If you look at them through a microscope, you still won't be able to see them clearly. So scientists use computer programs to look at protein structure and  function. Genes provide the blueprint for making proteins.
But genes only provide the blueprint. They don't'’ actually make the proteins. Ribosomes do. Sorry, genes. Looks like you've  got to go back to the drawing board.

Heredity is passing traits down to your children. Children aren't identical to one of their parents because they get traits from both of their parents. Each parent passes on 23 chromosomes to their offspring. And children don't always look identical to each other because they might get different traits passed on to them.

A trait is a notable quality or feature in a person. Physical traits, Behavioral traits, and predisposition to a medical condition are the types of traits that exist. If you dye your hair another color, you can change your natural hair color.
An allele is a set of genetic information that codes for different variations of the same trait.

S&EP: SP4: Analyzing data.

This week we created a graph on each other's traits. I worked with Daniel, Desmond, Elayna, and Gurpreet. This is our data.

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