Friday, August 25, 2017

Correcting the Science and Engineering Practices quiz 8/25/17

There were eight questions on the quiz. I got three questions wrong. I will explain the answer I thought and chose, why it was wrong, the correct answer, and why it was correct.

Question #4: A group of 7th graders creates and analyzes graphs of the data from an investigation about the relationship between a ball's mass and its speed down a ramp.

The answer I chose for this one was SP4: Analyzing and Interpreting Data.

I thought that the answer was SP4 because I didn't read the question right. I read the word analyze and I thought that this must mean that the answer was analyzing data. I didn't pay any attention to the part with the words graph and mass. I saw them, but I wasn't paying attention to their importance.

The correct answer was Using Mathematics and computational thinking. This was the right answer because the group of 7th graders were using graphs to investigate the relationship between a ball's mass and the speed of it down the ramp. Graphing is related to math because when you are graphing, you need to be precise with where you place the points and what numbers you use.

Question #5: The 8th grade class writes explanations about why a light source is needed for a person to see an object. In their explanations students provide evidence from an investigation as well as scientific ideas to explain why this occurs.

The answer I chose was SP6, Planning and Carrying out Investigations.

I thought the answer was SP6 because even though the words writing explanations were there, I also saw providing evidence from and investigation were there. I was torn between answer C  and answer F. I then decided between the two and I chose answer C because I didn't have that one chose and I thought, 'Well, I think that answer C is the correct answer. But what if answer F is right?'  So I re-read the question and settled on answer C

The correct answer was Constructing Explanations. I saw the key word explanations in the question. I thought that this answer was correct, but I also thought another answer was correct. I re-read the question again and I decided on the other answer. I thought that both answers had an equal chance of being correct, since they both had a little key word in the question. I chose the one I thought was correct, but I was wrong.

Question #7: Students in Mrs. Garcia's class use a class chart of what different animals eat and group the animals in different ways based on their food sources. Students then discuss which animals would be affected if changes occurred to different food sources.

The answer I chose was SP7, Engaging in argument from evidence.

I thought that the answer was SP7 because when I read the question, I saw the part, Students then discuss... I tried to use my brain. When students discuss things, they usually tend to argue about their opinions and why they and only they are correct. I happen to know this, being a student myself, so I selected the answer Engaging in Arguement from Evidence.

The correct answer was Analyzing and interpreting data. This was correct because the students in Ms. Garcia's class were using a chart to look at the food chains they were learning about. They were analyzing the data they had collected and they were looking at the chart, interpreting the food sources and animals they were. I wasn't thinking about any of this reasoning when I answered the question, but I see that I was wrong, I see the right answers, and I see and understand why they are correct. 

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