Monday, March 12, 2018

Regrade on Plate Tectonics Quizziz Game 3/11/18

The theory that states that the Earth's continents once made up one big continent is the theory on Pangea. That was the name of the big super continent. But the theory that they drift apart is the theory of plate tectonics, which is the correct answer.

Divergent plates pull apart from each other. Transform boundaries slide past each other. Faults in the ground are caused by transform plates sliding past each other.

Transform boundaries that slide past each other shake the ground. They are the cause of earthquakes. The state of California is located on a transform boundary.

Subduction is when the oceanic crust is pushed under the continental crust and turned back into magma in the mantle. Divergent is the correct answer because the old crust is recycled away into magma during subduction and is pushed up into the lithosphere in a divergent boundary. The magma hardens and cools into crust.

Continental drift is the theory that the continents sometimes move around a little bit over a long period of time and become in different locations. They 'float' on the mantle, which is moving the continents around because of convection currents. The air near the inner core gets hot, so it rises. The closer it gets to the lithosphere, the more it cools, so it sinks. The convection currents pushing the continents around are the little currents that the air makes and it heats, rises, cools, and sinks.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you corrected your mistakes.


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