Saturday, April 21, 2018

Nuclear Energy

This week in class, we have been learning about nuclear energy. We have to write an essay on the benefits and disadvantages of using nuclear energy. It isn’t all bad, but I’m saying that I’m against it because, based on the articles that I’ve read to prepare, nuclear energy isn’t such a god choice.

I did learn that nuclear power plants don’t use any fossil fuels and don’t emit greenhouse gases. And that one little uranium pellet (which is what makes the energy work) makes more energy than a ton of coal.

Even though nuclear power is the most energy efficient, it isn’t all benefits. In 2011, Fukushima, Japan suffered through an earthquake and a 15-meter tsunami before the reactors in a nearby power plant exploded, spilling toxic waste all over the nearby areas with tons of damage, meaning that people are still cleaning up after it today. There are 9 million bags of contaminated topsoil that have no place to be stored. It is crucial that nuclear waste be packed away somewhere so that, over time, it can lose its radioactivity and become less dangerous. Groundwater is dripping from the mountains and through the site, carrying poison into the ocean with it, contaminating the water and harming marine life.

This is not all. Nuclear energy is very expensive. I takes lots of money to mine the uranium and plutonium to make the pellets for energy, and if there are any repairs that need to be made to the plant, they must be fixed, and that costs money as well. In fact, more and more plants are closing because people are realizing the expenses and have stopped using it. Nuclear energy is too risky to use.

S&EP: SP6, Constructing explanations and designing solutions

This week we began to construct our essay telling people that nuclear energy was bad or good and why. I learned a lot about nuclear energy, and I think that it is very harmful. It should not be used in homes and other places r to power buildings. In fact, nuclear technology that is used to power homes is used to make nuclear weapons. I don’t like the fact that in the future weapon technology might be powering my house. My teacher, my friends and I also came up with ideas for solutions. Solar and wind energy are clean sources of energy, but there is no way that we can make them our only sources of power. If we made our roadways solar, that might be enough to power the world. Of course, it would be very expensive, but it’s a good enough idea for right now.

XCC: Cause and Effect

A cause and effect relationship is where something happens and causes something else to happen. For example: it rains, which causes it to flood. Someone takes the pancake at the bottom of the huge stack, which causes the huge stack to fall. In this case, and earthquake and tsunami happened, causing nuclear reactors to explode and spray toxic chemicals around. Nuclear reactors exploded and sprayed toxic chemicals around, causing thousands of people to relocate, die or become deathy ill.

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