Saturday, September 29, 2018

Geologic Time Project Blog 9/29

Most of the major events that occurred in Geologic Time happened later on down the timeline, closer towards modern times. Earlier on, animals, plants and other organisms were evolving. Geologic time is a record of the history of rocks and fossils in the Earth, so scientists are making predictions and hypotheses as to what could’ve occurred during that time.

Each of the eras had a remarkable event that was marked off in Geologic Time. For instance, in the Precambrian era, the Earth was formed and life was just beginning to evolve. Bacteria and fungi came before humans, and oxygen even appeared when the Earth developed an atmosphere. In the Paleozoic era, the end-Permian extinction cut off many invertebrate groups. In the Mesozoic era, scientists believe that an asteroid from space crashed to the Earth and wiped out all dinosaur species. In the Cenozoic era, the ice ages occurred, and at the end of them, the sudden climate change caused many large mammal species like woolly mammoths and sabre-tooth cats to go extinct.

All of these events have been marked in fossils and rocks that scientists have studied. They came up with the Geologic Time Scale, which lead to further theories and predictions about what occurred in Earth’s history.


What process did you go through to produce this piece?

When producing this piece, I needed to research my era, the Cenozoic. Some important information that we needed to know was how long the era lasted, what major events occurred during the era, and what sorts of animals, plants and organisms evolved during the time. Once we were finished with data and research, we needed to create an interactive poster about our eras as a group. The poster contained all of the information that we had found.


What was especially satisfying to you about either the process or the finished product?

I really thought that seeing our super-tall poster with all of our information on it was very satisfying. I knew that I had worked very hard on my era, and seeing it all exactly how I wanted it was very satisfying to me. Also, getting all of my drawings for the poster done was another really big satisfaction for me.


Did you do your work the way other people did theirs? In what ways did you do it differently? In what ways was your work or process similar?

Some people did a flatter poster where it laid on a table and you could see what the landscape looked like. Some kids did pop-outs were if you opened a flap, the information and a picture would pop out. Other kids chose to do the poster like ours, where the eras were split up and each was decorated by that one person.


What would you change if you had a chance to do this piece over again?

If I could do this work over again, I would’ve gone to some different websites. After the project was complete, I was browsing, and I found some websites that explained the information better than the ones I had used. Another thing I would’ve done is focused more on my drawings. Some of them were a bit rushed, and I think that I could’ve done better.

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