Friday, September 30, 2016

Cell Wars! Project Blog 9/30/16

Summary: this week I learned about lots of organelles.

Ribosomes are small, bumpy organelles that are blue and red. They are found in the mitochondria and chloroplast. Ribosomes make proteins and they don’t stop working. They work all the time.

Golgi: The golgi made the ribosomes. The golgi also packages proteins.

Mitochondria: The mitochondria is the best organelle because I did it. It controls like 90% of the cell. It controls more than any other organelle. It is true that you can get disease from mitochondria. But that I one in one trillion chance that will happen.

Vacuole: The vacuole is in both plant and animal cells. It takes up 80% of the space in plant cells. It stores water, food, and wastes. I am voting for the vacuole because if wastes were floating around in the cell, we would die. I did my project on mitochondria.

Endoplasmic Reticulum: The endoplasmic reticulum is like the post office of the cell. It receives the proteins all bundled up and sends them to all other ends of the cell.

Cell Wall: the cell wall is the one who is only in plant cells and helps the plant stand tall to reach the sun.

Cell Membrane: are in both plants and animal cells. They are protecting the cell.

Chloroplast: is only in the plants. It makes food for the plants.

Backwards Looking: Have you done a similar kind of work in the past (earlier in the year or in a previous grade; in school or out of school)?
Yes, I have. Last year I had done the organelle trail project. 

Inward Looking: What did/do you find frustrating about it?
The video taping part was the most frustrating part. 

Outwards Looking: What do your classmates particularly notice about your piece when they look at it?
They look at the part of the video Daniel added about Donald Trump.

Forward Looking: What would you change if you had a chance to do this piece over again?

Well, in the video we forgot to add "I am the mitochondria and I approve this message."

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