Saturday, April 1, 2017

Global Warming 4/1/17

This week we continued to talk about greenhouse gases and global warming. We had to write a whole summary about greenhouse gases and what they did, so here it is below. 
Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming

The Earth’s atmosphere is made up of many different gases. When the sun’s radiation warms the Earth, some gases called Greenhouse gases trap in the warmth, only letting a small amount of warmth rebound back into space. The natural process between the sun, the atmosphere, and the Earth is called the Greenhouse Effect. These phenomenon are called the Greenhouse Effects because greenhouse gases act the same way that a  greenhouse window would, trapping in the heat so that the plants can grow. The atmosphere has a number of different gases which trap in heat for the Earth. To maintain a safe balance of heat, the balance between the gases must not be upset, or the world will become hotter. The greenhouse gases are usually water vapour, carbon dioxide (Co2), methane (which comes from rotting trash), nitrus oxide (formed from dying or dead plants), and ozone. Some of man’s deeds have also caused greenhouse gases, which is starting to be unhealthy for the Earth. This is Global warming. If there is too much of a greenhouse gas in the air, it begins to make the world hotter and hotter. This act is global warming. If we continue this, the world could become to hot to live in. Imagine that!

Actually, there are many ways that we can stop or reduce global warming. We can carpool, walk or bike to work or school to emit less CO2 into the air. If there are less cars emitting dangerous gases, then that is less gas overall. And veichles aren't the only ways to reduce CO2 emissions. If you watch less T.V. or be on the computer less, that is saving the world from greenhouse gases. If you take shorter showers, that reduces water vapor, which is a greenhouse gas. Also, leaving the lights on in a room that is empty or isn't being used is really wasting electricity and creating more gases. More things that you could do are eating less meat, turning off all unused electrical devices, and washing more, but during shorter time periods.

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