Friday, May 5, 2017

Ecodetectives 5/5/17

This week, we continued to study tests to find out who is lying. So far we have:
Ken Unballe
Ken manages the water slide, which is right by the Fo River. Since he does not long to lose his job, he has become insistent that he has not killed a single fish.
  • The chemist took a sample of the water from the Fo River, which was where Ken would be dumping out the chlorine. There was 0% chlorine.
  • Juan Tuno, not convinced, decided to take matters into his own hands. He suggested looking for water fleas, since water fleas cannot survive in chlorine. There was one water flea in the water when Juan Tuno tested, meaning there WAS chlorine.
  • There was a newspaper clipping saying that 26 children got E. coli in pool water that was supposed to be chlorinated. Ken was afraid they would shut down the water slide if he was dumping chlorine, so he stopped chlorinating the water. As a result, one of those 26 children died.
  • An email was found from Ken to an employee telling him he would give him a pay raise if he would order a bunch of water fleas and dump them in where Juan Tuno was going to test. His plan didn’t work. The water fleas died, showing Juan Tuno that there WAS chlorine in the river.

Synchrony City Chronicle
The Synchrony City Chronicle, Synchrony City’s newspaper, recently interviewed Juan Tuno, who is now worried about acid rain.
  • Juan Tuno says that the dead fish have been showing up in the Gray Bay.
  • Juan Tuno tested to see if the rivers were acidic, just to see.
  • The Fo, Upper Misterssippi, Lower Misterssippi, and James Pond are okay for fish.
  • The Fo/Misterssippi soil Runoff is too Basic for fish.
  • The Upper and Lower Rafta river, Lake Adaysicle and Gray Bay are too acidic.
  • If there is an acid rain problem all over the area, why is only those certain rivers too acidic? Well, there is an acid rain problem over the whole area. The reason why only those rivers and lakes are being affected is because of the material the bank is made of. The river bank of the Fo/Misterssippi river is limestone, which neutralizes the acid, making the river/lake okay for the fish to live. But on the other banks is just granite, which does NOT have magic powers, therefore making the river/lake too acidic.

Anton Alogue
Anton Alogue is in the logging business. He claims to have nothing to do with the fish. Is he lying? We shall find out.
  • Anton Alogue claims to replant the forest after he cuts the trees. But there is a clear-cut forest and a selectively cut forest. Looks like me might be lying.
  • If a tree is born, it has roots that pack in the dirt, especially on the water edge, so no dirt will fall into the river. If the tree is cut down, then there will be nothing to hold in the dirt, causing it to fall into the river. This is true for all plants. If farmers let their animals overgraze, then the grassroots will slacken, letting sediment fall into the river.
  • If the sediment falls into the river, it can have bad effects.
  • Fish gills will be clogged, killing the fish. Eggs won’t be able to hatch, killing the fish. Underwater plants cannot get sunlight, depriving the fish of food, killing the fish. The sediment is dark, so the sun will be attracted to it, heating the water, killing the fish.
  • Hot/warm water doesn’t hold a lot of oxygen (which fish need). The fish will need more oxygen to be able to function in the water, but there is less there.

Elmo Skeeto
Elmo Skeeto is a hunter. He hunts animals in the Parallel Park. Is he doing any damage to the ecosystem, like he claims to not be?
  • Mountain lions were let in with the deer to keep out overgrazing.
  • Without any mountain lions in the park, the deer population fluctuated. Going up and down (because of hunters), the deer were very healthy. When they let in mountain lions, the deer population lowered. When there were less mountain lions (again, because of hunters), there were more deer. When there were less deer, there were more mountain lions.
Bo Vyne
Bo Vyne and Don Juan Tuno are being blamed for phosphates in the water. They own the cattle ranch.
Sandy Trapp
Sandy Trapp is also being blamed. She owns the golf course.

The golf course has the phosphates. Not the cattle ranch, nor the small town.

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