Friday, May 19, 2017

EOY 5/19/17
This week we needed to do out EOY (end of year) project for science. We had to make a brochure or a flyer on three of the environmental accords from last week, saying how they show up in our math portion, creating an urban village from scratch. Here is my paragraphs on the actions below:

Action 10: Action 10 clearly states, “Ensure that there is an accessible public park or recreational open space within half-a-kilometer of every city resident in seven years.” My Urban Village has a gymnasium that all sorts of activities can be in. There is also a grassy field that has many different uses. People can come into the Urban Village and use the grassy field for many things. The gym will also be open to the public, if people want to play basketball in the gym or an indoor game of football if it’s raining. There is an open recreational space in half-a-kilometer of all students.

Action 13: “Develop and implement a policy which expands affordable public transportation coverage to within half-a-kilometer of all city residents in ten years.” The Urban Village is small enough that the students and teachers in it will not need public transportation to get around. They will get to walk around. Even if there was public transportation, the village isn’t big enough for it, and it would be free!

Action 17: “Promote the public health and environmental benefits of supporting locally grown organic foods. Ensure that twenty percent of all city facilities (including schools) serve locally grown and organic food within seven years.”
There is a large garden in our Urban Village. It serves locally grown healthy non GMO food to the school in the village. All of the food is quite healthy, and there is no stinky truck bringing in your fresh food!

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