Friday, December 1, 2017

Charity Fair Journey Map 12/1/17

This week we began our Charity Fair Journey of Item production. The charity fair is a time about halfway through the year when we get into groups and sell thing to donate money to a charity. This year, my group is making rainbow cupcakes to help racism.

For the map, we have to  plot the place where our item was manufactured. We used flour, sugar, unsalted butter, vanilla extract, baking powder, milk, eggs, salt, and food coloring. We had to physically look at the labels of the products to find out where they were distributed from. For example, the flour, sugar, and butter were all distributed from Better Living Brands LLC, P.O. Box 99 Pleasanton CA. We had to insert it on the map. It was a little hard, since the salt was from Chicago and the eggs were from Seattle, but we figured it out.

We had to decide if we were going to use a truck, plane or train to get the items to Safeway (that was where we bought them all, quite handy). Plane was if the items were manufactured in a different continent, train for same continent, and truck for same country. We used truck, and a car to get the things from Safeway to the school.

We used the truck as the mode of transportation. The link to our carbon emissions sheet shows how much carbon dioxide was released into the air during the journey.

S&EP: SP2, Using Models
This week, we were definitely using models. We made an interactive map. You can click on the little marks, and information about the product will appear. We spent the whole week following the directions from the slideshow and creating the map. Eventually, we created a big wonderful map that can zoom in and out and has lots of information about the production of rainbow cupcakes.

XCC: Structure and Function
In order for the factories to create, package and ship their products, they need function. They have to have a working system in order it complete their tasks. In order for the trucks, cars, airplanes, or trains to ship the stuff, they also need to work out a plan in order to get the things across the world or country. Then, the people at the stores need to organize the products to make it easy to get.

1 comment:

Is There Life in Space? 5/23/19

Link  by NASA Solar System Exploration       We all know the typical sci-fi movie where an alien monster drops out of some unknown pl...