Thursday, December 14, 2017

Charity Fair Project Blog 12-13-17

      For this year's charity fair, I chose to do the charity All Together Now, a charity that deals with racism. We began the work to do in History class, where we did background research on the charity we chose. In the researching part, I discovered that All Together Now is trying to stop racism in schools, sports, businesses, and everywhere else. Scrolling through the website, I also learned that some of the employees of All Together Now have experienced racism at least once because of the cultural clothes they were wearing or the color of their skin. Then we had to choose a product to make that relates to the topic we are trying to cover. We would make the product and sell it at the charity fair to earn money for our charity. My group chose to make rainbow cupcakes to support All Together Now. Then we needed to find out the cost and profit for our cupcakes. This was a little difficult, since we needed to find out the cost for each ingredient, and then the cost to make one cake, 5, 10, and 100. Then we had to find the profit, and, using that knowledge, we would have to find out how many cakes we have to sell to make $1000 in profit. For one cake we got $0.91 in profit, for five we got $4.55, for 10 we got $9.10, and for 100 we gathered $91.00. We had to sell 1,099 cupcakes to get $1000 in profit. In science, we had to make a map. We needed to find out how far the ingredients traveled, and the amount of carbon dioxide released. I thought it was very interesting. I learned how to find the profit of something, and how to find the amount of CO2 it would take to get all of the ingredients to the retailer, the school, and to me. I Elective, we needed to create an instructable, a step-by-step on how to make our product. I learned about how to properly write it up so that it was readable, and we had to make a trifold. Mine is the picture above.

  • How much did you know about the subject before we started?
I have been at AdVENTURE for three years now, so I have attended three charity fairs. I knew how to make it work, and what to do, but there were some changes this year. For instance, I knew we would have to choose a group and a charity to get research done. But I didn't know that we had to choose our groups based on the topics we wanted to address. I thought we would group up with our friends and choose something we all agreed on. Also, we needed to make a map. This was different from last year. Last year, we had to do the Carbon Footprint sheet to find our how much carbon dioxide we released into the air collecting our ingredients, but we didn't need to make a map. This year, we had all of our information on the interactive map instead of just on the document. For the product, this year it needed to be related to the problem we were trying to address. We couldn't just have a charity on homelessness and make slime, it had to be related. One group made mini gingerbread house kits to support their charity on homelessness. I knew a lot about the topic before we began, but there were a few differences.

  • How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?
I am proud of my work right now. I feel like I could've done a bit better, but by now I am very proud of the piece of work I have created for the charity fair. I liked the making of the product. That part was fun. I also liked taking a break from the selling so that I could see other people's charities and their products. I bought a lot of cool things, and it was quite lovely to see everyone else's work. What I disliked was the amount of work I had to do. My partner didn't help very much until I asked him to do it. And even then, I had to ask multiple times. I feel that he could've done for work to make it better for me. I had to do too much work. I enjoyed the selling, because lots of people liked the cupcakes' appearance, and they bought them.

  • Did you do your work the way other people did theirs? In what ways did you do it differently? In what ways was your work or process similar?
I did my work similarly to other people. I did mine a little bit differently, since I wrote the title by hand instead of printing it. I also put Christmas lights around the edges of my trifold to draw people in. There were still some leftovers, but we sold most of them. I did my cost a profit and all of the other work that was required the same as everyone else. Mine was a bit different, because I had a different product than everyone else, but that was obvious. I changed the colors to make it look nicer and brighter. 

  • What would you change if you had a chance to do this piece over again?
If I had a chance to do this piece over again, I would choose a nature charity. I wanted to work alone with some sort of 'save the animals' or 'protect the environment' charity, but we weren't allowed to work alone, and the partner I chose didn't want to save the animals or the environment. I would've changed my product, and my trifold, and pretty much every aspect and part of my project, since I wanted a different charity. Next year for charity fair, I'm going to choose the charity I want to choose, and hopefully I'll also be allowed to work alone. 

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