Monday, August 27, 2018

Why I came back to AdVenture | 8B Science


      This 2018-2019 school year will be my fourth and final year at AdVenture. I am currently in the eighth grade here, and there are quite a few reasons why I chose to come back. Firstly, AdVenture is a very collaborative community. In almost every single project we do, we are working in teams, groups or partners. It is very rare occasion that we are doing any individual work, although sometimes we have a choice. I like that AdVenture is so collaborative because other schools don't really teach you many social skills, but AdVenture does. We learn 'regular' subjects, like English, P.E., math, science and history, but we also learn things like video production and engineering for Electives. Another things that AdVenture Elective teachers teach is conflict management. We learn how to read nonverbal signs, like body language, and how to solve problems or make tough decisions. These sorts of skills are incredibly useful throughout your entire life and can help you in all sorts of situations.
      Another reason that I came back to AdVenture is because of all of the extracurricular activities. AdVenture allows kids to join after school sport teams with Herman, like volleyball, basketball, softball, track and cross country. They also let kids come up with ideas for lunchtime clubs, and they must get signatures to make it a real club. Participating in all of these activities gives you school rewards, like Block H, Patriot Bucks and Patriot Power Packs. I also like that there are dances, parties and special treacher rewards that you can do for fun and to get more things. 
      But the main reason that I came back to AdVenture is everything that we do here. Teachers decorate their classroom comfortably and assign fun projects for us to do. One teacher even has beanbags and couches in her classroom. My science teacher gives us 'Boss battles' where we fight a boss by answering a series of question over and over again to earn points within the class and special rank rewards. I really love how all of the teachers personalize their own classrooms and work hard to give each kid their own learning pace. 

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